Malpeli, J. G. and F. H. Baker.  The representation of the visual field in the lateral geniculate nucleus of Macaca mulatta.  J. Comp. Neurol. 161: 569-594, 1975.

Baker, F. H. and J. G. Malpeli.  Effects of cryogenic blockade of visual cortex on the response properties of lateral geniculate neurons in the monkey.  Exp. Brain Res. 29: 433-444, 1977.

Schiller, P. H. and J. G. Malpeli.  The effects of striate cortex cooling on area 18 cells in the monkey.  Brain Res. 126: 366-369, 1977.

Schiller, P. H. and J. G. Malpeli.  The properties and tectal projection of monkey retinal ganglion cells. J. Neurophysiol. 40: 428-445, 1977.

Schiller, P. H. and J. G. Malpeli.  Shock-induced inhibition in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the rhesus monkey.  Brain Res. 137: 387-389, 1977.

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Schiller, P. H. and J. G. Malpeli.  The functional specificity of the lateral geniculate nucleus laminae of the rhesus monkey.  J. Neurophysiol. 41: 788-797, 1978.

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Schiller, P. H., J. G. Malpeli and S. J. Schein.  Composition of geniculostrate input to the superior colliculus of the rhesus monkey. J. Neurophysiol. 42: 1124-1133, 1979.

Malpeli, J. G., P. H. Schiller and C. L. Colby.  Response properties of single cells in monkey striate cortex during reversible inactivation individual lateral geniculate laminae. J. Neurophysiol. 46: 1102-1119, 1981.

Malpeli, J. G. and B. D. Burch.  Cobalt destroys neurons without destroying fibers-of-passage in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat. Neuroscience Letters 32: 29-34, 1982.

Malpeli, J. G.  Activity of cells in area 17 of the cat in the absence of input from layer A of the lateral geniculate nucleus. J. Neurophysiol. 49: 595-610, 1983.

Lee, C., J. G. Malpeli, H. D. Schwark and T. G. Weyand.  Cat medial interlaminar nucleus: retinotopy, relation to tapetum, and implications for scotopic vision.  J. Neurophysiol. 52: 844-869, 1984.

Lee, C. and J. G. Malpeli.  Somata-selective lesions induced by cobaltous chloride: a parametric study.  Brain Res. 364: 396-399, 1986.

Malpeli, J. G., C. Lee, H. D. Schwark and T. G. Weyand.  Cat area 17: I. Pattern of thalamic control of cortical layers.  J. Neurophysiol. 56: 1062-1073, 1986.

Schwark, H. D., J. G. Malpeli, T. G. Weyand and C. Lee.  Cat area 17: II. Response properties of infragranular layer neurons in the absence of supragranular layer activity.  J. Neurophysiol. 56: 1074- 1087, 1986.

Weyand, T. G., J. G. Malpeli, C. Lee and H. D. Schwark.  Cat area 17: III. Response properties and orientation anisotropies of corticotectal cells.  J. Neurophysiol. 56: 1088-1101, 1986.

Weyand, T. G., J. G. Malpeli, C. Lee and H. D. Schwark.  Cat area 17: IV. Two types of corticotectal cells defined by controlling geniculate inputs. J. Neurophysiol. 56: 1102-1108, 1986.

Malpeli, J. G. Reversible Inactivation of Subcortical Sites by Drug Injections, In Selective Lesioning in the Nervous System, Society for Neuroscience Short Course 2 Syllabus, pg 33-41, 1989.

Mignard, M. and J. G. Malpeli. Paths of information flow through visual cortex. Science 251: 1249-1251, 1991.

Weyand, T. G., J. G. Malpeli, and C. Lee. Area 18 corticotectal cells: response properties and identification of sustaining geniculate inputs. J. Neurophysiol. 65: 1078-1088, 1991.

Lee, D., C. Lee and J. Malpeli. Acuity-sensitivity trade-offs of X and Y cells in the cat lateral geniculate complex: role of the medial interlaminar nucleus in scotopic vision. J. Neurophysiol. 68: 1235-1247, 1992.

Malpeli, J. G., T. Weyand and R. LaClair. A new method of mounting and directing chronically implanted microdrives. J. Neuroscience Methods. 44: 19-26, 19-26, 1992.

Weyand, T. G. and J. G. Malpeli. Responses of neurons in primary visual cortex are modulated by eye position. J. Neurophysiol. 69: 2258-2260, 1993.

Lee, D. and J. G. Malpeli. Global form and singularity: modelling the blind spot's role in lateral geniculate morphogenesis. Science 263: 1292-1294, 1994.

Malpeli, J.G. and D. Lee. Thermodynamic Model of the Morphogenesis of the Primate Lateral Geniculate Nucleus. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Vol 1, pp 309-314, 1994.

Tzonev, S., K. Schulten and J. G. Malpeli. Morphogenesis of the lateral geniculate nucleus: how singularities affect global structure. In: G. Tesauro, D. Touretzky and T. Leen, (Eds) Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems: Proceedings of the 1994 Conference, Vol 7, pp 133-140, Cambridge , MIT Press, 1995.

Malpeli, J.G., D. Lee and F. H. Baker. Laminar and retinotopic organization of the macaque lateral geniculate nucleus: magnocellular and parvocellular magnification functions. J. Comp. Neurol. 375: 363-377, 1996.

Lee, C., T.G. Weyand and J.G. Malpeli. Thalamic control of cat lateral suprasylvian visual area: relation to patchy association projections from area 18. Vis. Neurosci. 15: 15-25, 1998.

Lee, C., T.G. Weyand and J.G. Malpeli. Thalamic control of cat area-18 supragranular layers: simple cells, complex cells, and cells projecting to the lateral suprasylvian visual area. Vis. Neurosci. 15: 27-35, 1998.

Lee, D. and J.G. Malpeli. Effects of saccades on the activity of neurons in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus. J. Neurophysiol. 79: 922-926, 1998.

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Malpeli, J. G. and P. H. Schiller.  Properties of monkey retinal ganglion cells and their tectal projections.  Neuroscience Abstracts 2: 1125, 1976.

Malpeli, J. G. and P. H. Schiller.  Functional differentiation of the laminae of the lateral geniculate nucleus of the rhesus monkey. Neuroscience Abstracts 3: 568, 1977.

Malpeli, J. G., P. H. Schiller and S. J. Schein.  Contributions of individual lateral geniculate laminae to single cell activity in the cortex of the rhesus monkey.  Neuroscience Abstracts 4: 635, 1978.

Schiller, P. H., J. G. Malpeli and S. J. Schein.  The nature of the geniculostriate input to the superior colliculus.  Neuroscience Abstracts 5: 806, 1979.

Malpeli, J. G.  Effects of blocking A-layer geniculate input on cat area 17. Neuroscience Abstracts 7: 355, 1981.

Schwark, H. D. and J. G. Malpeli.  Electron-microscopy of cobaltous chloride induced degeneration in the rat lateral geniculate nucleus. Neuroscience Abstracts 8: 1008, 1982.

Lee, C., Malpeli, J. G., Schwark, H. D. and T. G. Weyand.  Retinotopic organization of the medial interlaminar nucleus of the cat.  Neuroscience Abstracts 9: 813, 1983.

Schwark, H. D. and J. G. Malpeli.  Orientation specificity in layer 6 of cat area 17 remains during reversible inactivation of supragranular layers by cooling.  Neuroscience Abstracts 10: 521, 1984.

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Lee, C., J. G. Malpeli and T. G. Weyand.  Patchy integration of geniculate inputs in cat lateral suprasylvian visual cortex.  Neuroscience Abstracts 11: 1244, 1985.

Weyand, T. G, J. G. Malpeli and C. Lee.  Standard complex and special complex cells have orthogonal orientation anisotropies.  Neuroscience Abstracts 11: 652, 1985.

Malpeli, J. G.  Roles of parallel thalamic inputs, cortical laminar interactions, and associational connections in the functional organization of visual cortex.  Abstracts 33rd Cong. Inter. Union of Physiol. Sci., 1986.

Lee, C., J. G. Malpeli and T. G. Weyand.  Simple cells of cat area 18 mediate input from layer A of the lateral geniculate nucleus to the Clare-Bishop area.  Neuroscience Abstracts 12: 584, 1986.

Noll, E. L. and J. G. Malpeli. Ipsi-thalamus supports most activity in the ipsi-hemifield representation at the 17-18 border. Neuroscience Abstracts 15: 1055, 1989.

Weyand, T. G. and J. G. Malpeli. Responses of neurons in primary visual cortex are influence by eye position. Neuroscience Abstracts 15: 1055, 1989.

Weyand, T., J. Malpeli and R. LaClair. Corticotectal neurons in the frontal eye fields of the awake cat. Neuroscience Abstracts 16: 898, 1990.

Lee, D. and J. Malpeli. The cat medial interlaminar nucleus in dim-light vision. Neuroscience Abstracts 16: 711, 1990.

Malpeli, J. G., D. Lee and F. H. Baker. Eccentricity-related variations of magnocellular and parvocellular inputs to Macaque striate cortex. Invest. Ophthal. and Vis. Sci. 34: 812, 1993.

Lee, D. and J. G. Malpeli. Role of the blind spot in the laminar morphogenesis of the rhesus lateral geniculate nucleus: a thermodynamic model. Neuroscience Abstracts 19: 525, 1993.

Lee, D. and J. G. Malpeli. Effects of oculomotor behavior on visually-evoked activity in the cat LGN. Neuroscience Abstracts 20: 134, 1994.

Tzonev, S., K. Schulten and J.G. Malpeli. A three-dimensional model of rhesus LGN morphogenesis: interactions of the blind spot with a wave of development. Neuroscience Abstracts 20: 135, 1994.

Lee. D. and J. G. Malpeli. Effects of gaze angle on direction and orientation biases of lateral geniculate neurons in the awake cat. Neuroscience Abstracts 21: 657, 1995.

Malpeli, J.G. and D. Lee. Saccade-related modulation of gain in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat. Neuroscience Abstracts 23: 170, 1997.

Malpeli, J.G., E. Erwin, F.H. Baker and W.F. Busen. An atlas of the rhesus LGN: topology of the transition between 6 and 4 layers. Neuroscience Abstracts 24: 141, 1998.

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Joseph Malpeli
Last modified: May 4, 1999